As I start my official fourth week of being quarantined and practicing social distancing, I’ve discovered an error in my thinking! I’ve found myself struggling with people, not just my family, but people! I’m thinking thoughts like, “Why can’t you just listen?”  “Why can’t you follow these simple rules?”  As I’m thinking these things, my JOY within me is getting swallowed up in my own gloom and doom thoughts.

I had an ah-ha moment as I was working on my social media post for the week. I ran across an old post titled, The Four Simple Secrets to a More Joy Filled Life. I read the list, each one of them, and confirmed that I WAS expressing gratitude, practicing kindness, spreading cheer and working on savoring joy, BUT something was missing. I thought about, and yes, even prayed about it and the answer finally came to me in a quiet voice within my heart!    “Carrie, the missing ingredient is remembering GRACE!” 

Remembering grace when…

  • Someone says something in a rude tone.
  • When dinner is not appreciated by all.
  • When people aren’t doing what you expected or hoped they would do.
  • When______ (you fill in the blank.)

Grace. Grace. Grace.


Grace….it’s all about forgiveness and NOT taking things personally. Yep! Until you learn to put GRACE in your life, you’ll struggle to find the happiest you seek.

Here is my new updated list of FIVE, not always so simple, secrets to a joy filled life:

1.Express gratitude
2.Practice kindness…even when it’s hard!
3. Spread cheer or be the light!
4. Savor joy not only in the big things in life, but also in simple things in life.
5. Remember GRACE!