Oh, if we could only live our lives with 20/20 insight! All our past mistakes would never of happened, at least… I  think that would be the case! Can you sit for a moment and reflect on a past “mistake?”

I know this is deep, BUT… “If that mistake was erased from your life, how would your life be different?”

My biggest mistake was BIG! But if I erased it, I would erase two of my biggest blessings! So if I feel that way, was my past mistake, really a mistake?!?

More importantly, was your past mistake, really a  mistake?

Or…could our mistakes be looked at differently?

Can we change the word mistake, to life lesson?  I say, HECK YES!!!

My biggest life lesson taught me that I had my priorities ALL screwed up!  If I could go back in time, here are the top 4-life lessons I would teach myself.

1. You are happiest when you learn how to accept and love yourself…the good, bad and ugly! We are ALL perfectly imperfect! Learn from your mistakes and move on to be a better version of you.

2. Your faith is not a Sunday morning journey. The more you grow in your faith, the more joy-filled you become.

3. Great relationships take time and effort. Don’t ever take them for granted.

4. Money can buy you fun moments, but those moments are fleeting. Don’t build your life around them!

Now, let me ask you, “What life lessons would you go back and teach your younger self?

Coach Carrie