We are into week two of 2016 and unfortunately, one quarter of you have already given up on your New
Year’s Resolution. It got too hard, you lost your focus, work got busy, or the kids got sick. Whatever the
reason, you quit. Perhaps you rationalized with yourself that no one really takes their New Year’s
Resolution seriously or that it just wasn’t the right timing. Whatever your excuse for quitting, I want you
to rethink it and perhaps push your reboot button and start again.
Most people are really hard on themselves and if they slip-up, they quit. If they miss going to the gym
for a week for whatever reason, they rationalize that they have already blown their plan so they might
as well eat that extra piece of pizza. We can be so unforgiving to ourselves that we end up sabotaging
our own success.
So how do we get back on track with our goals after a few days, weeks or months of losing focus? Here
are 5 simple steps for you to reboot and get moving in the right direction again.
1. First , you need to rethink your WHY statement by asking yourself these 2 questions:
- Why did I want to achieve this goal in the first place?
- How do I want to feel on the journey to accomplishing my goal?
Most people quit because they forget to focus on their WHY statement in the mist of their busy
lives. Make it easy to not forgot it by placing WHY reminders strategically around your home and
office. A WHY reminder can be something as simple as a post-it note on your bathroom mirror
or a picture on your screen saver that keeps you focused.
2. Re-evaluate your plan for success and if you forgot to write a plan, now is a good time to do so.
Start reviewing your plan by asking yourself the following questions:
- Is it realistic?
- What steps do I need to adjust?
- Does my plan honor my WHY statement?
- How will I track my plan?
- What will I consider small victories along my journey to success?
- How can I celebrate my small victories along my journey?
3. Share your plan with those who will be excited to see you accomplish your goal. When you
share your goal with others, your chances for success skyrocket!
4. Have you found an accountability partner? An accountability partner is someone who won’t
allow your excuses to stop you from success. With that being said, family members typically
don’t make good accountability partners as we often times buy into your excuses. A good
accountability partner is someone who knows your BIG picture, knows your goals and your plan.
This person understands your struggles and will not let your excuses stop you from success.
Plan to meet with this person at least weekly in the beginning.
5. Lastly, be kind to yourself when you mess up, or when your plan doesn’t go accordingly. Change isn’t easy even if you absolutely want the change. It will be more comfortable to do things the old way. You will have good days and bad days, ups and downs. EXPECT it and PLAN for it.
Finally, remember this, people who find success sometime initially fail, but they don’t let the failure stop them or define them. They pick themselves back up and re-strategize. Those that are willing to start again and again and again are the ones that find success.
Are you ready to find the success you have been dreaming of?
– See more at: http://loveyourlife2.com/blog/2016/01/10/ready-aim-reboot#sthash.YsLGLgX0.dpuf
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