Could Your Problem Be You?

I’ve had BIG goals and dreams for years, but I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t always believe that I could achieve them. You see, I knew myself, I knew my weaknesses and these deep-down subconscious beliefs about me, were holding me back from what I wanted most.

I really, really, really wanted them to come true, but I was filled with negative self-talk and doubt. I watched ” The Secret”, read everything I could on The Law of Attraction,” practiced visualization, and I still continued to struggle. I would spend hours contemplating what I could be doing wrong. Have you ever had this same struggle?

Sometimes we need the help of an outsider to help us see what we can’t see. Does that make sense? I needed someone to help me see what I was missing!  A friend recommend that I hire a coach, and this honestly was one of my best decisions ever.  One of the first questions she asked me was, Do you believe your goal is possible?”  This challenged me to my core and made me really look within me and question myself. “Did I believe I could accomplish this goal?” “Did I really want to find success?” My answer may surprise you! After digging deep into my soul, I discovered that I wasn’t finding success because I didn’t really believe the goal, I didn’t have passion around the goal. Through this process, I discovered that I was chasing after someone else’s dream and I was trying to make it mine.  It wasn’t working because I wasn’t ALL in with my mind, body and soul.

My coach helped me reawaken my own dream and becoming a coach and I will be forever grateful for the biggest lesson I learned through the coaching process. The biggest lesson I learned was…

“In order to find success with your biggest goals and dreams,YOU must believe that they are possible!”

Is it time you start believing in YOU?