Just Get It Done

Just Get It Done

Do your children ever make you want to scream or is it just me? My youngest child has always been motivated by money. When he was 4 years old, I found him outside trying to sell rocks! He was standing on the driveway with some beautiful rocks he had found in our...
Little Words That Hold You Back

Little Words That Hold You Back

Do you ever hear yourself or your friends say, I wish I could do that! I wish I could travel! I wish I could lose weight! I wish I could start my own company! I wish _____, you fill in the blank. The truth of the matter is that far too many people waste their time in...
How Do You Handle Life’s Roadblocks?

How Do You Handle Life’s Roadblocks?

I am often asked how do I stay focused and motivated on my goals. The truth is, this has been a journey and like any journey you have road blocks. To accomplish any goal, you must first know what it will look like at the end.  I call this your big picture. But if we...
The Mirror Doesn’t Lie

The Mirror Doesn’t Lie

Let me ask you, what lessons are you teaching your kids about technology? I know lots of great parents out there that are discussing with their kids the importance of internet safety and monitoring their youth’s social media pages, desperately trying to stay on top of...