What Does a Successful Life Look Like to YOU?
I don't know about you, but I've never met a person who doesn't want to live a successful life. But when you stop and ask someone what a successful life looks like, they hesitate. Society typically tells us that success comes when we make lots of money and can live...
Love Your Life Coaching Question…
Michael Jordan once said, “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen and others make it happen.” When it comes to going after what you want in life, are you wanting, wishing or making it happen? Which one are YOU? - See more at:...
Spreading the LOVE
Stop living a life of fear and start loving your life! I don’t know about you, but I no longer enjoy watching the news. Politicians pointing fingers at one another, blaming the other party for the entire world’s problems, Ebola and Enterovirus health scares,...
Make This The Year!
Does this sound like you? Make this the year that you STOP giving up! Coaching tips: 1. Share your commitments with someone who will help hold you accountable 2. Post your commitments on your bathroom mirror, in your car, computer, on your phone and anywhere else that...
What’s Your Currency?
In order to be motivated, you must first know what your "currency" is. Why do you do what you do? Most people assume that money motivates everyone, but that simply isn't true. So what motivates YOU? Is it...Money? Recognition? Gifts? Time Away? Acts of Service?...
Living A Life of Intention
“Oh my gosh, I’m so hungry! I haven’t had time to eat all day!” I totally couldn’t relate to the above quote that a friend recently shared as we waited to hear our children’s chorus concert. Didn’t have time to eat? That just didn’t make sense to me. I don’t know...
The Milwaukee 5K
For over 30 years I told myself a story that I couldn’t run…and I really believed this story! My belief was challenged this June when my 10 year old niece needed me to run a 5k. My time wasn’t very impressive, but I was totally impressed with myself. I couldn’t...
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