“It sure must be nice to be a stay at home mom, cuz’ you could ride your bike all day long!”                                                                      The above quote is from my son Will when he was 8 years old.  I smiled as I imaged him riding his bike up and down the street for hours.  Although this made me smile, it also made me cringe!  I wanted to correct him and say, “Excuse me, but I DO work!”  You see, I made the BIG decision to quit my job and start my own company with the convenience of working from my home office.  I made this decision so that we could have more time together and he would no longer have to go to before and after school care.  You see, his BIG dream in life at the age of 8 was to ride his ride all day long. Ah, the freedom of hopping on your bike and riding up and down the street, hanging out with your friends. Anyway on to dreams…We all have dreams and the important thing is to figure out how you cannot only dream your dream, but LIVE your dream!  So, I no longer worry how to explain to him why I work from home.  My hope is that one day, all my kids will know that I had a dream and that I stopped talking about it and actually took action.  They will know if their mom can do it, so can they!  So what is your BIG dream?  Writing a book?  Losing weight? Finding a job that you love?  Starting your own company?  Moving? Improving your relationships? Whatever it is, start sharing your dream, and making steps towards making it happen…even if that means “tiny steps,” they will still be steps in the right direction! Dream BIG and LIVE your dreams!