I am often asked how do I stay focused and motivated on my goals. The truth is, this has been a journey and like any journey you have road blocks. To accomplish any goal, you must first know what it will look like at the end.  I call this your big picture. But if we stay focused on the big picture, we often times lose our motivation as our dream is just too far off. Learning how to break down my big goals into smaller ones and to create habits to accomplish those goals has worked well in my life. Life seldom goes as planned, and that same thing can be said for our goals, but in order to achieve, you must be prepared when you hit a roadblock in life.  It seems like so many people struggle with doing what it takes to get them where they want to be in their lives. This struggles often leaves them feeling frustrated, full of doubt and blaming others for their struggles. As a coach, people often turn to me to “coach” them through these roadblocks, or the things that are holding them back from where they want to be in life. To a certain extent, that is what coaching is all about. A coach can help, but the reality is, the only person who can get you want you want in life is YOU. No one else can do the work; no one else can get inside your head and change your thinking. No one else can get inside your head and change your emotions, only YOU. A coach can ask you powerful questions to open up your thinking and open up your mind to a new way of thinking, but you have to open your mind to a new way of thinking. So what’s the difference between someone who successfully accomplishes her goals and someone who is always trying but never finds the level of success that she is striving for? The difference is their mindset. Yes, it all comes down to your mindset! What you think and what you say to yourself has the power to help you accomplish greatness or continuously struggle as you strive for success. People who are finding success are telling themselves stories of success. When people who are striving for success hit a roadblock, they don’t stop and feel sorry for themselves. They don’t stop and waste time getting angry at whoever put the road block there. They stop, assess the situation and create a new path on their journey. In other words, they keep moving forward. Even if they happen to fail, which does happen at times, they take the time to learn from the failure and then recreate the next journey.  Forward momentum… they keep moving forward. If you keep telling yourself; you can’t get motivated, it is too hard, you will never be able to learn all that is needed, or nothing ever works out the way you want, etc.…, chances are all those things will be true. Did you know that continually affirming the negative will bring you more of the same? Have you heard the saying, “What we focus on becomes our reality?” The truth is what you think and say matters. I’ve said this before and I know that I will be saying it again. Changing your thinking takes time and most importantly practice. When you catch yourself speaking negatively to others or yourself, stop and correct it. You can change, and the more you practice the easier it becomes. Are you ready to get started?