Have you ever had one of those weeks where too many people you know are struggling with serious stuff… financial issues, serious illnesses, and even death? I am having one of those weeks, and the week is not even half over! Today is a reminder to all that life is a gift.  Each person that we love and care for is a gift.  All too often we get caught up in life and the busyness of our schedules, and we lose sight of these precious gifts.  So, I’ve created 5 simple daily challenges to help all of us all remember the gift. 5 simple challenges to remember EVERY day that life is a gift.   1. Each morning, before you even get out of bed, think of all you have to be grateful for.  Are you waking up next to the love of your life?  Are you able to get out of bed on your own?  Are you waking up in a bed?  You get the picture…  Try and name 10 things that you are grateful for before putting your feet to the ground.  2. Don’t strive for perfection in your daily task. Let me clarify this one.Most things in life do not need perfection, and I would hope that you would know the difference.  If you were performing surgery on me, I would hope for perfection! But most of life is not about perfection.  When we strive for perfection, we are subconsciously trying to prove to the world that the world approves of us. A perfection-oriented life style zaps our energy and our joy. Instead, focus on getting done what needs to get done. Walk away from the task for a day and revisit it if needed.    3. Look for the good in EVERYONE.  Honestly, it is easy to see others’ weaknesses – we all have them.  Instead, look for the positives, share the positives and be the person that friends and family see as the positive one.  When we strive to focus on looking for the good in the world, we will see the good.   4. Make time every day for the things in your life that are most important to you. Figure out who and what your priorities are and then schedule time to show the world that those really are your priorities.  Honestly too many people go through life putting their “priorities” low on the list.   5. Each and every day live as though it was your last.  Create memories! Laugh more! Say, “I love you!”  and, “I’m sorry,” and remember to forgive.   Life is a gift!  A gift to you and to those you love.  Live it that way.